Get a Fully Customized Treatment: Mommy Makeover in Tampa & Wesley Chapel, FL

mommy-make-over-tampa1“Mommy makeover” is a term that has become common in today’s plastic surgery lexicon, and it describes a special approach to body contouring that caters to mothers who wish to restore a youthful, flattering figure. With the technology and techniques available today, this procedure is better than ever, and helps many women experience renewed confidence during motherhood. A mommy makeover can include virtually any combination of treatments deemed necessary to help the patient achieve her goals, but the most commonly combined treatments include liposuction, lift procedures focused on the trunk and limbs, and breast enhancement.

A mommy makeover in Tampa is a fully customized treatment tailored precisely to a mother’s goals. If you are considering this popular treatment, thorough planning is the absolute best way to achieve beautiful results and long-term satisfaction. Though you may not have the expertise to know precisely which procedures you want, it helps to have specific ideas of what you hope to accomplish. By describing these goals to Dr. Azharian, she can recommend the right combination and extent of treatments to help you look and feel your very best.

You should also spend ample time thinking about whether you wish to have more children in the future. In most cases, a mommy makeover provides the best long-term results for women who do not wish to have any more children.

A mommy makeover can help you experience even greater satisfaction in life as a mother, and you owe it to yourself to plan a treatment that can help you feel confident, attractive, and youthful.


Choosing the Necessary Treatments

A crucial step in planning your mommy makeover involves deciding which treatments to combine. The most common treatments performed during a mommy makeover include:

Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift:

Throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding, the breasts can experience a drastic increase in size that subsides once lactation has ceased. The skin of the breast can become stretched during this time, resulting in sagging and an overall loss of youthful contour. By combining a breast augmentation and a breast lift, Dr. Anahita Azharian can restore a youthful and perky contour to the breast. She will remove excess skin and tissue, while adding projection by placing a breast implant. Patients must choose either a silicone or saline implant, choose an implant size, and decide whether it should be placed above or below the pectoral muscle. Each of these options has unique benefits. For example, while many patients believe that silicone implants provide the most natural look and feel, others are more comfortable with saline implants because they carry a reduced risk of capsular contracture (the tightening of scar tissue surrounding the implant, resulting in a distorted shape).


During pregnancy and childbirth, the midsection experiences the greatest fluctuations. The considerable strain placed on the skin as the fetus develops can not only result in sagging skin and a loss of definition, but also a separation of the abdominal muscles, a condition called diastasis recti. This condition is quite common; the Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy reports that of 467 women surveyed, 68 percent experienced separation above the navel, while 32 percent had separation below. Abdominoplasty in Tampa, aka tummy tuck, is a process of removing excess skin, using liposuction to remove excess fat, and tightening the abdominal muscles to restore a fit, lean midsection. A tummy tuck can be limited (focusing on the lower abdomen and involving some skin and fat removal as well as abdominal tightening), moderate (involving a greater degree of skin and tissue removal), or extended (involving a greater degree of liposuction extending into the flanks, or love handles).


Stubborn fat deposits that developed during pregnancy and refuse to respond to diet and exercise can be eliminated through liposuction in Tampa. Dr. Azharian will create tiny incisions in the treatment area, and use a special tool called a cannula to gently suction the fat from beneath the skin. Liposuction can be done in many areas of stubborn fat, resulting in pleasing contours and a more youthful healthy appearance.

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2404 Creel Ln Suite 102 Wesley Chapel, FL 33544