Liposuction in Tampa Bay

Liposuction in Tampa If you have excess fatty deposits in areas such as your chin, neck, upper arms, chest, back, abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks or other areas, liposuction may be just the solution you need.

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is the extraction of fat from the body via a vacuum process and is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in the world. Liposuction involves the use of a thin tube called a cannula that is inserted into the body to break up and suction out fat.

The Magnolia Plastic Surgery Center, led by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Anahita Azharian has performed liposuction on many women and men in Tampa Bay Area. We welcome you to visit us for a liposuction consultation.

Liposuction in Tampa FAQ

Liposuction targets fatty deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise, providing taut body contours in specific areas of the body. Liposuction is less invasive and costly than plastic surgery, is also safer, and requires a much shorter recovery period. Liposuction produces totally natural-looking long-term results and improves body contour by removing stubborn fatty deposits that resist diet and exercise. Liposuction may also be combined with other procedures to remove extra fatty pockets left over after a body lift, tummy tuck, or other surgical procedure.

Liposuction can be performed almost anywhere on the body where better looking contours are desired.

Almost any healthy adult in good overall condition may be a suitable candidate for liposuction, however, there are some situations that may require the combination of liposuction with another cosmetic procedure. The best candidates for this procedure are active people who work out and eat a healthy diet, and who are relatively close to their ideal weight, but have noticed stubborn fatty deposits clinging to such areas as the waistline. Liposuction is a great treatment for eliminating those stubborn fatty deposits to improve the contour and appearance of a body that is otherwise slim and toned.

Liposuction is not nearly as invasive as surgery and therefore does not require the same type of recovery or after-care. Typically, about one week after surgery, swelling in the treated area will reach a peak and then begin to subside. Stitches are removed at this point, and most patients can comfortably return to non-strenuous work and other activities. After several weeks, the slight bruising caused by the procedure will begin to fade and disappear. Areas that may have felt numb after the procedure will regain normal sensation, and you will be able to resume normal activities and increased exercise as the swelling continues to subside.

Liposuction is not designed to remove cellulite because cellulite is a dimpling condition of the skin, and liposuction does not improve skin quality. Interestingly, however, many of our liposuction patients have stated they have, in fact, noticed some improvement in the reduction of cellulite.

Currently, the only procedure that effectively eliminates cellulite from the skin is endermology, a specialized procedure that requires several treatments and uses a sucking and rolling massage therapy. Endermology treatments must regularly be continued in order to maintain results.

Although both procedures may eliminate fatty deposits from the abdomen, the tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure, and therefore, far more complex and comprehensive. The tummy tuck procedure not only removes fatty deposits, but it also tightens weakened muscles, as well as removing loose and sagging skin.

Liposuction, on the other hand, is a far less invasive procedure with a shorter recovery period and fewer complications, as it requires no surgery or anesthesia. It should be noted, however, that liposuction alone will not address many of the issues that a tummy tuck addresses. In some cases, Dr. Azharian may recommend combining these two procedures to achieve optimal results, a leaner and more contoured silhouette that takes years off the patient’s appearance.

Every cosmetic procedure is highly personalized and customized to each patient at the Magnolia Plastic Surgery Center, causing many variations in costs and expenses for procedures. Dr. Azharian may recommend another cosmetic procedure in combination with liposuction so your treatment will be specific to you. We will discuss the details of cost and payment options at your initial consultation when you come to inquire about liposuction. Our office proudly offers many payment options to help you pay for your treatment. Visit our financing page to learn more about liposuction and other procedures.

Request Your Consultation Today with Dr. Azharian

Every patient we see at the Magnolia Plastic Surgery Center is treated with warmth and respect. Our expert staff will make sure you are well-informed about all aspects of your liposuction procedure. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover why we have a reputation for providing meticulous, compassionate care to residents of Tampa Bay and surrounding communities. Please call us to discuss your options: (813) 696-0644

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We are a modern cosmetic plastic surgery practice that prioritizes patient safety, comfort, and effective outcomes. We service Tampa and surrounding areas. Learn how we can help you achieve your goals.

Disclaimer: All information on this site is for informative purposes only. It is not intended to be medical advice and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Any/all communications through this website do not constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Images may not be copied, printed or otherwise disseminated without express permission from Dr. Azharian.

2404 Creel Ln Suite 102 Wesley Chapel, FL 33544