Gifting Yourself This Holiday Season

One of the best gifts you can give is the investment in yourself. That’s not always easy. As a Plastic Surgeon, I often have conversations with women, especially moms, where my clients express a sense of guilt when they want to have a procedure done. I always like to ask them, “When was the last time you did something for yourself? When you look in the mirror, do you like what you see? It’s important to take inventory of yourself in all areas of your life, and appearance is something that can impact it. Ask yourself, “What would be a gift I would like to receive to look and feel my best?’ Whether it’s surgical or non-surgical, investing in yourself through plastic surgery can be a tremendous gift.

One of the things I love so much about patients that give themselves the gift of a procedure is how it, more times than not, sparks additional changes that enhance other areas of their lives. Whether it’s updating their wardrobe, traveling, or aflending a dance class that they had been too afraid to take, the gift of having an aesthetic procedure almost always brings a renewed level of confidence and creates a beautiful journey of self-improvement. When you ask yourself the important questions, you start the steps to prioritizing yourself, and with a healthy mindset and self-care practices, you can ensure that your decision will be rooted in self-love and personal growth, a decision that will go beyond any external changes.

This holiday season, remember it’s okay to give yourself a gift. Take that dream vacation, wear the outfit you were saving for a special occasion, even if the occasion is not there, and go ahead and pamper yourself. Get the lip filler or tummy tuck you’ve been wanting to regain your confidence, if that’s what you want. Take any steps and any gifts that will help you be your best self, because that’s the greatest gift you can give to yourself and others around you who’d love to see you shine.