Breast Lift in Tampa: When to Consider? Am I a good Candidate?

Also known as mastopexy and breast lift surgery

Tampa Breast LiftA breast lift addresses sagging and uneven breasts, decreased breast volume and drooping nipples and stretched areolas (the darker area surrounding the nipples), recreating a youthful shape and lift to your breasts. If there is too little or too much breast volume, a breast augmentation or breast reduction might be recommended in addition to a lift. Every year, thousands of women undergo successful breast-lift surgery, experience no major problems and are pleased with the results.

When to Consider a Breast Lift in Tampa

  • Pregnancy, nursing, gravity, weight gain or loss, normal aging, and heredity have taken a toll on the shape of your breasts, resulting in sagging
  • If your surgeon thinks that breast implants alone are unlikely to achieve the contour you desire
  • If the tissue surrounding the nipple or areola has become stretched



  • You will have improved breast shape, projection, and symmetry
  • Your breasts will have a more youthful appearance.
  • You will look better in and out of clothes and feel more self-confident.


  • The effects of a breast lift might slowly diminish over time because of gravity and aging.
  • A breast lift leaves scars that will be hidden in a bra or swimsuit.
  • Subsequent pregnancy may compromise your surgical results.
  • These are the three top pros and cons to weigh when considering a breast lift. If you wish to focus on what is unique to you, please consult with your aesthetic plastic surgeon.

Are you a good candidate for a Tampa breast lift?

If you’ve become increasingly unhappy about the sagging of your breasts, you may wonder what surgery can do. Don’t be surprised if your surgeon suggests combining breast augmentation or breast reduction with your lift; adjunct procedures may be necessary to achieve your goals.

The following are some common reasons why you may want to consider a Tampa breast lift:

  • Breasts that are pendulous but adequate in size.
  • Breasts that lack substance or firmness.
  • Nipples and areolas that point downward, especially if they are positioned below the breast crease.
  • Breasts that appear different from each other; one breast may appear firm and well positioned while the other does not.
  • Breasts that are not equal in size.
  • Breasts that are relatively small.
  • Breasts that are large and heavy can be lifted, but the results may not be as long-lasting as a breast lift performed on smaller breasts; the weight of larger breasts works against surgical changes.
  • You are finished with childbearing and breast-feeding. If you plan to have children, you may want to postpone cosmetic breast surgery. Pregnancy may stretch the breasts and reduce their volume, compromising surgery benefits.

If you are in good general health, have a positive attitude and realistic expectations, you are most likely a good candidate for this procedure.

A breast lift can help elevate loose, sagging breasts, while also improving shape, fullness and your confidence.

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2404 Creel Ln Suite 102 Wesley Chapel, FL 33544