Are you a Good Candidate for a Breast Reduction in Tampa?

Most women that seek breast reductions have already had children, are overweight, have a genetic predisposition for large or disproportionate breasts, or have estrogen sensitivities. Large breasts are often a family trait, inherited from mothers and grandmothers. You also may want to wait until after your breasts have stopped developing. It is important that your skin has adequate elasticity so that it can regain its former tightness after surgery.

It is important to have good emotional and mental health too. Breast reduction in Tampa is substantial surgery with a recovery period. It’s important to be patient in order to deal with the healing period. You also need to have realistic expectations of the procedure itself. You must be able to discuss with your surgeon what can realistically be achieved given your physical health and the shape of your body.


You may want to wait until after you have finished having children and breastfeeding, because this will have unpredictable and possibly severe effects on the size and shape of your breasts. Many women still choose to have get a breast reduction before they have children and feel that they can address any issues and changes later on. If you plan to breastfeed, discuss it with your plastic surgeon.

Medical history can be a factor:

If you have a history of irregular mammograms, undiagnosed lumps or other types of masses, severe obesity, diabetes, wound healing disorders, are currently breastfeeding, smoking, or have a family history of blood clotting disorders, heart disorders, or circulatory system disorders, you may not be a good candidate for a breast reduction.

If you’re in good general health and have a positive, realistic attitude and expectations, you are probably a good candidate for a Tampa Breast Size Reduction.

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2404 Creel Ln Suite 102 Wesley Chapel, FL 33544